Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our First Prenatal Visit

Friday, January 9 was our first prenatal visit. Gary and I were very excited and hoping to take another peek at our little one. It had been a while since we last saw it on ultrasound. At that time it just looked like a little piece of rice with no shape at all. We were excited to see it then, but we were getting quite anxious to see something that looked like a baby. I haven't been sick since I got pregnant, thankfully, but by not being sick it kind of made us both question again "is there really still something in there?". So, we go to the doctor and they do the normal routine... get into this gown, blah, blah, blah. So I am thinking... ok, there is no ultrasound machine in here and I'm going to be taking off all my clothes, so how am I going to get an ultrasound of the baby. Surely, they're not going to have me walk down the hall in my paper gown. So, I ask the nurse, on her way out of the room, if we were going to get an ultrasound today. She said we would get one only if she couldn't hear the heartbeat well enough. When she came back for the exam, she placed the doppler on my belly and there was this sound... it was like a quick whoosing sound. It was the baby's heartbeat! I looked over at Gary sitting in the chair with amazement and we were both smiling and couldn't stop. How cool was that?! ! The only bad part was, now that the nurse heard the heartbeat loud and clear, we weren't going to get an ultrasound. She finished up with the exam and, as she was cleaning up, I thought I would give it a try... so I asked her if she was "really sure" that she heard the heartbeat well enough, wink wink. It worked!! She only had one more patient for the day and she said if we were willing to wait just a little while that she would let us take a peek. After we got into the ultrasound room, I anxiously and hurriedly moved into position. As she started to move the probe around, we saw this thing and it was moving all around! That's it ... that's our baby, I thought. I think all Gary was able to say was, "Holy Cow". We could see it's little arms, legs, face, and even the fingers. I just kept saying, "Oh my goodness, that's our baby" over and over. We got one shot of just the face, one shot of the body (with legs crossed at the ankles), and one of it putting it's hands (showing fingers!) to his or her face. The experience was awesome and really proves what a miracle this all is! Our next visit is February 6th. We will be 14 weeks then. I wonder if we will get another peek? Can't wait until week 18 to find out if it's a girl or a boy!!!

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